Wednesday 4 December 2013

Tackling energy challenges in singapore

Singapore ,a land scarce urban nation that is almost completely reliant on energy imports this is no exception.
The Energy Market Authority(EMA) Cheif executive Chee Hong Tat shared that the Key to energy security is to obtain energy that is campetitively priced and widely available but it must also be clean and sustainable also.
While Singapore does not have significant renewable energy options such as hydro-power, wind or sufficient land for mass Solar energy production, it has not been ruled out as possibilities as technology is changing and energy solutions are not feasible for singapore today may become viable in future.

Is renewable energy in singapore a reality?

Singapore's Cumulative installed capacity for solar will increase to a 2.5GWP by 2025.
The Sustainable Energy association of Singapore(SEAS) with help of its members who are industry experts and practitioners has put together a white paper which shows that renewable energy can make up to 10% of Singapore's energy mix by 2020 with no government subsidies.

Sunday 24 November 2013

Inside the wind turbine

Wind Tubine

Wind Power

wind power is the conversion of wind to useful energy by using wind turbines to make electrical power.

Wind farm

Wind farm consist of hundreds of wind turbines to generate Thousands of MW(Mega Watt) of electricity

Wind turbine

Wind turbine is to use the kinetic energy in the wind and convert it to Electrical energy which in turns help to reduce the reliance on fossil fuels.


Not all Blowing wind can be harvested as the mass of the blade, friction and drag cause it to slow down thus only about 59% of the kinetic energy of the wind is harvested

Types, Design & Construction of Wind Turbines

Horizontal-Axis Wind Turbine, HAWT, have the main rotor shaft and electrical generator at the top of the tower and must be pointed into the wind

Vertical-Axis Wind Turbine, VAWT, have the main rotor shaft arranged vertically one advantage of this is that it does not have to be pointed in the direction of the wind and can be at advantage when the wind direction is highly variable